KOINONIA Formal spring banquet has 'Twilight Zone' theme Koinonia club went "way out" for its formal banquet, "Twilight Zone." Entertainment was provided by Dot Beck. Richard Walker, the club's sponsor, gave an after dinner speech . The event was held March Z at the Rendezvous. Koinonia's third function was enjoyed by everyone. The informal function, held at the Pumping Station, was a rook party and hamburger supper. Mrs. Pat Bowman served as Koinonia's capable club queen. OFFICERS. fAll: Bowman, Pres.; Adorns, Vice·Pres.; Sheumaker, Sec,-Treas. SPRING: Peebles . Pres.; C. McKeon, Vice·Pres.; Prather, Sec.·Treas.; Richard Walker, Sponsor. KOINONIA . TOP ROW: Walker [sponsor). Adams, Bowman. Boykin, Elkins. SECOND ROW, Ferrell , Hughes, Keckley, C. McKeon, l. McKeon. THIRD ROW, Peebles. Powell, Prather, Sheumaker, Wilkins. FOURTH ROW: Woodruff. DKORATIONS on the toble portray the theme "Twilight Zone" at Koinonia's format March 2 banquet, as members enjoy food, discussion and entertainment. Pot Bowman , Club Queen 173