1962-1963 Yearbook

GALAXY Jan;ce Sonden, Club Queen PATIENTLY waiting for the second half. Galaxy members ore reody for a victory. The Davis home, on the outskirts of Searcy, was the locale for initiation of seventeen new Galaxys. The pledges accomplished much in a week, including helping the other members win the softball championship. An "Evening on a Tropical Isle" was the December 8 banquet at the Rendezvous. Many of the couples completed the evening by attending the Lyceum in the college auditorium. The Pumping Station was transformed into a mountain site for a "Hillbilly" third function on March 16. In addition to an outing, otJ,er spring activities were the speech meet and track and field day. The boys encouraged each other in these competitive events. Queen Janice Sanders supported the club's activities and represented the group in the Petit Jean Queen nominee program. OFFICERS: Gardner, Pres.; Grady, Vice-Pres.; Goatley, Sec.; Willis, Treos.; Ken DOl/is, Jock Ryan, Russell Simmons, Sponsors. Contrasting settings used for Galaxy functions GAlAXY. TOP ROW, Dovis (sponsor). Ryan (sponsor). Simmons (sponsor). Bailey, Benson. SECOND ROW: Bo99s, Bradsher, Bray, Burleson, Carter, Day. Defoor, Duke, Dye, Estes. THIRD ROW, Fairley, Gordner, Grady, Heinselman, Hornbuckle, Johnson, lambert, lasher, loudermilk. FOURTH ROW: Mason, Moyo, Pounds, Rader, Sewell, Stevens, Stotts, Wainwright, Willingham, Willis. C\ ':::* .tC~ ~ ~ 4':' ., - 172