FRATER SODALIS Frater Sodalis actlvl tes began this year with the election of Sandra Tanner as club queen. Nine new members were inducted into th e club through the informal initiation at Wyldewood followed by the formal initiation in the Emerald Room. The Fraters and their dates enjoyed a hilarious evening at the Pumping Station for their third function. Entertainmen t was supplied by J erry Selvidge, Bill Laird and Stan Combs. With the WHC women's social club, the Fraters presented a chapel program featuring songs by Stephen Foster . The program was so successful that the Frater Sodalis and th e WHC clubs were asked to present it to the Harding Academy chapel assembly . OffICERS: Shorf, Pres.; la ird, Vlce. Pres .; Selvidge, Sec.; Kernodle , Treos.; Andy Ritchie, Sponsor. FRATER SODALIS . TOP ROW : Ritchie [sponsor). Ba rnes, Boils, Brown, Combs. SECOND ROW : Gosa, Hobby, Horner, Ke rn od le, Lai rd . THIRD ROW ; Lone , Lemmon, lewis, M cCaghren, McCluggoge. FOU RTH ROW: McCown, Mioa, Selvidge, Shewmake r, Short. FIFTH ROW : Stoggs, Starling, Terry, Thompson, Turne r. COLORFUL cosrumes and southern trad itions surround Stan Combs singing in the WHC and Frater Soda lis chapel prog ram, " The Songs of Stephen Foster." Sandra Tanner, Club Queen 171