1962-1963 Yearbook

BETA PHI KAPPA Queen honored at Beta Phi's Valentine banquet The Beta Phi Kappa's chose Kiwani s Pa rk as the site for the informal initia ti on of their ten pledges as a climax of their memor abl e pl edge week. November will be remembered by th e club for the third fun ction they enj oyed a t Camp Wvldewood . The la te fa ll evening was m ade gay and warm around the campfire wh ere hamburI(crs and hot dogs sizz led invitingly. At their Valentin e banque t in Febma ry. Donna Shipman , the Beta Phi Kappa club qu een, wa s the special sweeth ea rt. Boh Hclsten was th e I(ucst speaker for the event wh ich was held a t Kcll cy's Gr ill. An inv igora tin g spr ing outing was the last major en try in the Beta Phi Kappa hook of acti vities for the yea r . OfFICERS: Carruth. Pres .; Reeves, Vlce·Pres.; SUTherland, Sec.- Treos.; Murray Wilson, Sponsor BETA PHI KAPPA . TOP ROW, Wilson (sponsor). Abshire. Brown, Burks, (aretsos. SECOND ROW: CarrUTh, Colvin, Doran, Fades. Holloway. THIRD ROW: Hoolen. Keil, Kelley, lomb, Merrell. FOURTH ROW Organ , Reeves, Savell, Selvidge. SoUThard. FIFTH ROW, Stepler, Whitehead, Worsham, Yurcho. Donna Shipman , Club Queen DISPLAY ING their combined efforts. Bela Phi Koppa, Beto Tou and WHC members pull "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son" during the Homecoming festivities. - TOT SIIOP