ALPHA EPSILON CHI Various awards highlight AEX's winter banquet W x • • • • • • In formal gatherings and suppers at the Hedri ck and Earnhart homes helped make the AEX yrar an active and enjoyable one. At Kiwanis Park the ten pledges ended a week of obeying orders by becoming regular members. On ovember 29 the AEX's and their dates journeyed to Camp Wyldewood to enjoy their third function in the fall scenery. "The Last Annual AEX Awards Banquet" was held' at Anderson's Grill in Beebe on February 12. Tom Hav\'kins, master of ceremonies, presented various awards to the club members. In the spring, the AEX's enjoyed several stag outini(s and strawben-y parties. Other activities included participation in track and field day and an all day outing. OfFICERS. FALL: Gwin, Pres.; Farrar, Vice-Pres.; Keeth , Sec.; Smith, frea s_ SPRING: Hawk ins , Pres.; Pr ince, Vice.Pres.; Forrar, Sec.; Odell, Treas, ; Sill Earnhart, James Hedrick, Sponsors. 0., ALPHA EPSILON CH I. TOP ROW: Earnhart (sponsor). Hedrick (sponsor). Daniel, Farrar, Gatewood. SECOND ROW: Gwin, Hawkins, Hile, Huber, Hueter. THIRD ROW: Hutcherson, Jones, McKnight, Marchant, Murphy. FOURTH ROW: Odell, Penrod, Prince, Raines, Ruble. FIFTH ROW: Smothermon. Troylor. Wear. Williams. CHIHfULLY waiting 10 ha.... e pictures made before lea.... ing for the AEX banquet. members and thei r do tes laugh and talk in the reception room of Kendall Hall. Betty Mays Ruble. Club Queen 167