Duke Jennings. Club Beau SUCCESSFUL guarding by Countess McNeill and her teammates leads to a victory as the Zeta Rho's attempt to capture the girls' inferdub basketball title. ZETA RHO Clubs cooperate in presentation of 'Snow White' ZETA RHO . TOP ROW: lawyer !sponsor), Blue, Christmas, Cobb, M. Cope, SECOND ROW: N. Cope, Dunn, Estes, Evans, Gardner. THIRD ROW: Gentry; Hart, Humphreys, McAllister, Camille McNeill. FOURTH ROW: Countess Mc· Neill, Nye, Reams, Shull, Simpson. FIFTH ROW: Smith, Snyder, Tipton, Williamson, Wright. 166 Zeta Rho zugs. undoubtedly the lowest of pledges, improved immensely during one week to find th eir pledge mistresses not only willing but happy to accept th em as club sisters. The Kangaroo Court, comb ined with an impressive initiation cer emony, served to welcome the new sisters into the club. The traditional third fun ction took a new turn as th e Zeta Rho's worked with their club brothers, the TNT' s to h ave a western affair at the Searcy Community Center. A spring banquet at Anderson 's in Beebe fea tured the enterta inment of Martha Reeder and h er ukulele. Again, the Zeta's worked and planned with the TNT's to present a chapel program based on an adaptation of "Snow White and th e Seven Dwarfs." OFFICERS . FAll : Smith , Pres .; Shull , Vice· Pres.; Countess McNeill , Sec.; Gardner, Treas . SPRING: Gentry, Pres .: Countess McNeilL Vice· Pres .; M. Cope, Sec.: Humpreys , Treos .; lou lawyer, Sponsor.