WHC Former members return for WHC birthday party WOODSON-HARDING COMRADES. TOP ROW, Ulrey (sponsor), Akin, Binkley, Chitty. Dillard. SECOND ROW: Eads, A. Green. G. Green, Hawks . McDonald . THIRD ROW, Mayner, A. Mills, D. Mills, Peterson , Robinson. FOURTH ROW: Sarver, Shappley, Shelton. Stone. Tucker. fiFTH ROW, Walton . Wilson . FLIRTING on the front porch of a colonial mansion, WHC members combine their tolents with Fraters as they sing songs composed by Stephen Foster. 164 Several former WHC's joined with the returning members to celebrate the club's birthday on October 7. The ladies told entertaining stories of past events . Later in October, the pledges joined the group to accomplish the many duties of pledge week. The week ended with the pledges serving dinner for informal initiation. A candlelight ceremony at the Ulrey home was held when the girls were formally initiated. The club went "Oriental" for the December 6 banquet at Kelly's. On February 16 the traditional country supper was enjoyed at the Pumping Station. Highlight of the year was a chapel program produced with the Frater Sodalis club. Stage settings and costumes set the atmosphere for the songs of Stephen Foster. OFFICERS. FAll , Peterson , Pres .; Hawks, Vice-Pres.; Mayner. Treos. SPRING: Tucker, Pres .; Binkley , Vice-Pres.; Chitty, Sec.; Dillard. Treas.; Betty Ulrey , Sponsor. Roger Johnson, Club Beou