TOFEBT Pledge week climaxed by first place float honors After rough initiation at Wyldewood the eleven pledges to Tofebt had a more solemn and serious formal initiation . This was held at the home of Miss Geneva Combs, and the girls were admonished to remember the club slogan, "To Our Father Ever Be True. " Tofebt members helped several other clubs build the winning Homecoming float., and thus the parade and award made a climax for the busy pledge week. Good food, a long hike and much fun were enjoyed at a weiner roast at Camp Wyldewood on December 1. Kelley's was the setting of the oriental garden for the March 2 banquet. Jo Byrd sang appropriate songs and Robert Helsten was the speaker. For a service project the club donated money for the school expenses of Alma Turner, a Negro student at Southwest Christian College. OfffCHS. FALL: Darnell, Pres.; Phillips, Vice· Pres. ; Will ingham, Sec.- SPRING: Willingham. p,et .; Thompson , Vice-Pres .; Stone. Sec .; Siler, freas.; Genevo Combs, Sponsor. TOFEBT. TOP ROW, Combs [sponsor). Beckett, Buchonon, DarneH , Fox . SECOND ROW: Gansner, Hicks, Hodge. Kurz, Mye rs . THIRD ROW, Payne, Ph illips, E. Scott, S. Scott, Seawel. FOURTH ROW, Siler. Stone, Thompson , Von Rheenon , Wagner. FIFTH ROW: White, W ill ingham. PREPAIING for their formal banquet , a committee of Tofebt members hold a work party for creating and adjusting decorotions to corry out the Oriental theme. Billy Willi ngham, Club Beau 163