Terry Smith, Club Beau HEADING for the basket, Marie Laird wastes no time as she quickly dribbles past her opponents when they attempt to prevent her from making two more points . THETA PSI 'Silver Bells' and 'Down South' head club calendar THETA PSI. TOP ROW: Prock !sponsor), Altmeyer , Beels , Bush , Carden . SECOND ROW: Cope , Denn ington, Eckerberg , Elli s, Emanuel. THIRD ROW: Graddy, La ird , Meers , M iller, Mooney. FOURTH ROW, Murry , Payton, Pettey, Scher, Shepherd. FIFTH ROW, Sh ipman , SmiTh, Stan ley, Word . 162 Silver bells chimed for Theta Psi's and their dates at their Christmas banquet at which Terry Smith, the club beau , was presented a silver key chain. Dr. G. W. Bond filled the memorable evening with humor and thought with an entertaining speech, after which Synette Hubbard gave her gala musical contribution . Mexico was echoed in their third function where hot chili and Spanish music created a "dowllsouth" atmosphere to the mid-winter festivity. A spring outing climaxed the year of activity for the Theta Psi 's. The three functions were interspersed with a series of basketball and volleyball victories. The club chose to contribute to the band uniform fund as their annual project. OFFICERS: Mooney, Pres .; Graddy , Vice-Pres.; Word, Sec. ; Stanley, Treas .; Charlene Prock , Sponsor.