Donnie Thompson, Club Beau REACHING high for a victory, two Reginos jump to push the ball over the net as anxious club members stand by ready for any action coming in their direct ion, REGINA 'South of the border' is theme of Regina banquet At the close of each school year a sen iar chosen as deservinl( by hi s classma tes is prese nted the Rcl(ina Spirit Award as the project of the club. The recipi ent is selected becau se of the manner in which hi s life typifies th e tru e H ard ing spirit. The Reginas and th eir da tes enjoyed the cl ub 's annual hobo party held at the Legion Hut in January. The traditional menu included "sloppy jOf?S" and "smors." The site fo r th eir informal initi a ti on was th e grave yard and formal ceremoni es were held at the home of Bess ie Mac Pryor, club sponsor. Six plcd~es wcre taken into the club. "Vi vc la Fiesta' was the theme fo r their Mexican banquet at the EI Charro in Ma rch . A May outinp; wound up the yea r 's ac ti vi ti es. OffiCIIS . FALl: Williams, Pres_ ; Risinger , Vice· Pres .; Byrd, Sec.; Shodleford , Treos SPRING, RiSinger. Pres.; Wr igh t, Vice-Pres.; Dykes, Sec Mills, Treos; Beuie Mae Pryor , Sponsor ItEGINA. TOP ROW: Pryct (sponso r). Boker, Boles, Berryhill, Byrd. SECOND ROW: Dykes, Flippin, l. Groff, M . Graff, Higginbotham. THIRD ROW: Hughes . Martin, Moyer, Miller, Mills . FOURTH ROW: Mitchell. Page, Rhine, Risinger. Shackleford. FIFTH ROW: Smith, Thompson, Williams, Jan Wright, Joanne Wright . 161