PHI DELTA Hobos and dates invade Wyldewood in the fall PHI DELTA . TOP ROW: Spauld ing (soonsor ). Abbott , Atkins, Bach , Boker. SECOND ROW: Barnes, Colv in, Cranford , Dickerson , Gordon . THIRD ROW: Hall , Huff, Kerby , King , Mortin. FOURTH ROW: Osburn , Parham, Pearce, Pritchett , Sh ipman . FIFTH ROW: Stepler, Wyatt. SETTING their dishes in place, Phi Delto's prepare to eot in the Empire Room, where many clubs en joy talk and discussion while combining business and food. Eleven "Rats" were informally initiated at a ch ili supper and bunking- party at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Joe Spau lding. Formal initiation took place in Kendall lIall. The girls were taught the club motto. " Others before Ourselves." Camp Wyldewood, a popular spot for informal functions, was the site for a hobo party on November 23. The formal banquet took place at Kelley's on April 20 with the theme "Dinner at Tiffany's." The Phi Delta's decided to contribute money to two different projects. A contribution was made to Monica Steinig-er, who is planning to set up a hospital in Africa. Also, the Phi Delta's helped pay the expenses of Alma Turner at Southwest Christian Colleg-e. OFFICERS : Osburn, Pres.; Parham, Vice· Pres.; Boker, Sec.; Shipman , Treas.; Donna Spauld ing , Sponsor. Carroll Osburn, Club Beau