OMEGA PHI • for Omega Phi scholarship award Clubs vIe A "Mardi Gras" costume party found couples dressed in a variety of attire. The Pumping Sta - tion was the site of thi s third function on Novemher 30. Refreshments were sandwich es and cakes. The setting was changed for th e banquet, "An Evening in Rome." This event was h eld :\fan'h 9 at Kelley's. Anivities earlier in the year included initi ation of six pledges at the Atteberry home and assistanfC' on the winning Homecoming fl oat. The duh project again wa s the presenta tion of a scholarship award for the social cluh with the highest grade point average . A Valentine cake was presented to Vernon Rogers, cluh beau, foll owed with a party in th e Student Center. A spring outing completed the year. OfFICE'S. fAll: Stanford, Pres .; Berry, V ice· Pres.; McGee, Sec.; Florence Corum, Treas. SPRING: Berry , Pres .; McGee, Vice· Pres.: T. Tonner, Sec.; S. Tonner , Treas .; Ruth Alleberry , Sponsor. OMEGA PHI. TOP ROW , Atteberry (sponsor). Allison, Bar fley, Bea rden, Berry. SECOND ROW : Flo ro Co rum, Flo rence (orum, Crumb, Finley, Hays. THIRD ROW : Heid, Hobby, King , M cGee, McWhorter. FOURTH ROW, Rachel , Reynolds, Sexson, Stan ford, S. Tanne r. FIFTH ROW: T. Tonner, Taylor , Tollett , While. AnEi presenting a cake to club beau Vernon Rogers, several Omega Phi members walt 05 he carefu lly helps with the servi ng of the coke in the College Inn. Vernon Rogers, Club Beau 159