LAS COMPANERAS Eleven new members complete LC roster for 1963 LAS COMPANERAS. TOP ROW: Earnhart (sponsor), Atchley, Bentley, Burnett, Chambers, SECOND ROW: Dabbs, Estep, Haley, Horris, Hoynes. THIRD ROW: 8. Kee, M. Kee, Kinard. McElroy, Maxwell. FOURTH ROW: Moore, Murphy, Rickett, Riley, Rowland. FIFTH ROW: Sherrod, 8. Thomas. l. Thomas.. REFRESHMENTS following a formal ceremony concluded the event for the newly initiated lC members ofter a week of fulfilling the requests of pledgemosters . Eleven new members were welcomed into the LC Club after an informal initiation at camp Wyldewood and a memorable formal initiation at 'the home of the club sponsor, Mrs. Earnhart. LC's were tired. but happy because of the work they had done on the winning float for the annual Homecoming parade. On December 7. couples dressed as ch ildren for a Christmas party as their third function at the Legion Hut. A banquet and an outing were both held in the spring. This year, as in pas t years, the LC's service projects included making a sen ior class composite picture to be displayed in the Science BlIi l rl ing and assisting the Leon Clymores, missionaries to Africa . OFFICERS. FAll: Thomas. Pres. ; Ricken, Vice-Pres .; Murphy, Sec.; Bentley, Treas . SPRING: Murphy, Pres.; Rickett, Vice - Pres. ; Sherrod, Sec.; Haynes, Trees .; Beverly Earnha rt, Sponsor . Wh eeler Pounds, Club Beau