KO JO KAI Red blazers inaugurated as Ko Jo Kai tradition Brilliant red Ko Jo Kai blazers made their plrdgcs easily recogn izable on campus during initiation week. The blazers, which have become a tradition, aided the Koj ies to ha ve a more dignified pledge period. The ~raditional faU banquet, centered around a travel theme, took the title of " Around th e World with Ko Jo Kai " for the enjoyment of Kojics and their da tes. The Impression ists made their debut with songs from foreign countries. In the spring, a "County Fa ir" took place at the Searcy Community Center, preceding an allday outing. Club beau Del Brock was surprised with a Valentine cake and other remembrances. Bison footbaU was supported strongly by the Kojies who sent telegrams, signed by the members to out-of-town games and put up posters to h elp boost team pride and spirit. OFfICUS. FAll : Baskin, Pres,; P. Dorling, Vice-Pres.; Philbrick, Sec,- TreclS. SPRING: Philbrick. Pres.; Johnson, Vice·Pres.; Williams, Sec.; Doniel , Treas.; Ermar Tucker, Sponsor. KO JO KAI. TOP ROW, Tucker (sponsor}, Barnett, Baskin. Jacqueline Daniel . Judy Daniel. SECOND ROW, K. Dorling, P. Darling, Ferguson, Gilstrap. Haltom. THIRD ROW, Hardy. Henley. Hollis , l. Johnson. S. Johnson. FOURTH ROW, Karnes, F. Masters, J . Masters, Miller, Patella . FIFTH ROW: Philbrick. Speer, Stohr, Williams. ENCOUR.AGEMENT is given to the football team by the Kojies as Dole Philbrick, Katie Darling ond Mory Ellen Baskin hong a colorful poster in the student center. Del Brock, Club Beau 155