1962-1963 Yearbook

45- - Sill Short, Club Beau LEAVING for the Kappa Phi Sweetheart banquet, Dee Colvett pauses as he assis ts Martha Tooke into a car as they anticipate on evening of enioyment. KAPPA PH I Beau welcomed by Kappa Phi as new tradition KAPPA PHI. TOP ROW: Perrin (sponsor), Borrett, Beord, Butterf ield. Connon . SECOND ROW: Cogdell, Ely, Flessner, Fowler, Gaskill. THIRO ROW: Gately, Jackson, Kerr, Mossey, Mobley. FOURTH ROW: Pursley , Smith, Slarr, Tooke, VaWTer FIFTH ROW: Wolker, Woolard. 154 Fourteen potent ial members advanced through a week of pledg ing to become Kappa Phi 's after an informal initiation in Il arding Park, and after tak ing club vows in an impress ive ceremony at the home of sponsor. M rs. Eli zabeth Perrin. By combining fun and spirituality, Kappa Phi 's and thei r dates enjoyed a weiner roast and devotiona l a top Bee Rock for their third funct ion. Bill Short wa s the first club beau as Kappa Phi is changed from being a traditional " no beau" club. February gave Va lentin e's Day for a "Hearts in Tune" banquet at Kelley's. Syne tte Hubbard added atmosphere as she sa ng- and accompanied herself on he r g uita r . The club used its project money to help send a Negro girl to college. OFFICERS. FALl: Fowler, Pres .; Pursley, Vice· Pres .; Slorr, Sec. ; Mossey, Trees. SPRING : Tooke, Pres ; Massey, Vice· Pres.; Jackson, Sec Barrett , Treas.; Elizobelh Perr in, Sponsor.