Don Medley, Club Beau ENJOYI NG the quiet informal atmosphere in the Empire Room, the Trj·Kappo·s meet for a mea l and for an informa l planning session concerni ng their coming banquet. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA A touch of the classic sets stage for banquet The "Gopher Girls" we re introduced to the ir pledge masters a l a ge t-acqu ainted party a t th e Ganus home. For formal initi a ti on a t th e end of pledge week, the old and new members wer e again guests of their sponsor. A Chr istmas parly with games and carols made the third fun ction a fes ti ve gatherin g . A game ca lled " lake-away" provided entel1.a inment and gifts for all. A touch of the class ic was viewed a t the banquet held in March a t the Rendezvous. Grecian columns and statues set the scene for th e evening. Robert Helsten was speaker for th e even t. Songs by Dot Beck concluded the entertainmen t. After a chapel program and th e annual spring outing, the Tri-Kappa 's h ad their fin al meetin g and election of offi cer s at Camp Wyldewood . OfPIC8S, FAll: Chi lders, Pres.; Ph illips , Vice· Pres .; Smith , Sec.; Henry, Trees. SPR ING: Philli ps, Pres. ; Henry, Vice· Pres. ; Blucker, Sec.; Hotlis, Treos.; Lovise Ganus , Sponsor. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA. TOP ROW, Ganus (sponsor). Beall , Blucker, Bod iford, Brown. SECOND ROW: Ch ilders, Dille r, Dye r, Griff in, Henry . THIRO ROW: Hladky, Holli s, l afevor, l ee. FOURTH ROW: Moddox, Mahan , M itchell , Phillips, Smith . FIFTH ROW: Weeks , Wiser, Woodruff, Yarbrough . 153