KAPPA DELTA Traditional Luau adds color to KD club functions KAPPA DElTA. TOP ROW, Gilliam (sponsor!, Ba iley . Bowman , Campbell . Frazier. seCOND ROW: Gartman , Henry , Morgon , D. Morris , S. Morris . THIRD ROW: Nelson , N ichols , Penn , Rector , Rowden . FOURTH ROW: Ruble . Russell . Smith , Southard. l. Stewart. FIFTH ROW: M. Stewart, Storey . Whiddon . COLOII:FUL muu-muus and matching shirts ore made by Sue Morris and Patsy Smith for themselves and dotes to give a Polynesian atmosphere to their luau. A bunking party climaxed informal initiation activities for the Kappa Delta 's. Formal initiation for tJ,e six new members was held at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Dot Gilliam. A spaghetti supper in the fall was also held at the Gilliams' when Mrs. Doris Lemmons was honored as their guest. The club members and their beaux enjoyed a Christmas party in December. Their banquet on February 4, held at Kelley's, had an appropriate Valentine theme. The Kappa Delta's traditional Hawaiian Luau, complete with muu mUllS, bright flowered shirts and leis, was held in the spring as was their club outing. OFFICERS. FALl: Storey , Pres .; Southard. Vice· Pres.; Smith, Sec.; Campbell. Trees . SPRING: Southard, Pres .; S. Morris, Vice-Pres. ; D. Morr is, Sec.; Henry , Treas .; Dorothy Gi ll iam, Sponsor. Steve Smith. Club Beau