1962-1963 Yearbook

JU GO JU 'Moonlight Serenade' presents queen nominees The beaut iful May Fete held each spring is the annual project of the Ju Go Ju socia l club . The girls supervi se 6: 00 a. m. pole-winding r ehearsals and afternoon run -through ac ti viti es in preparation for the pagea nt. A December 1 banquet, "Twel ve Days of Christmas," high-lighted th e club's fall semes ter. Dr. Gilliam was th e speaker for th e event held at Kelly's and Synette Hubbard provided th e musical ente rtainment. Thirteen new g irls were officially and for - mally initiated into the club after a vigorous week of pledging. The home of Mrs. L. C. Sears was the scene of the initiation ceremony. OffICIIS . FAll : Marti n, Pres.; Davi s, Vice· Pres.; Janes, Sec.; Boiley, Tree s SPRING: Jones. Pres.; Ga rretson. Vice-Pres.; Peacock, Sec.; fi.,ds. Treas , Joy Olree. Sponsor JU GO JU . TOP ROW, Olree {sponsor). BOlley, Cilly. (rook. Dorter. SECOND ROW, Davis, Dedmon, Dodd, Elliott , Fields. THIRD ROW: Garretson, Janes , Jones, l a mbert, l y les. fOURTH ROW, McElroy. Morlin, Peocock. Richards , Shiver. FIFTH ROW, Smith, Spaulding, Stonley, YOles . HEMMING formols for the May Fete activities, Ju Go Ju ' s Paula Peacock, Koreen McElroy and Marsha Bailey plan and prepare fo r the eventful day. Bilt and Bob Pearcy , Club Beaux / 151