Norman Tubb. Club Beau HOPING for a jump boll and perhaps possession of the prized globe. Kay Herd struggles to steal the boll as fellow team member Morcia Sorenson watches. GAIA Pledges host 'spagata' GATA. TOP ROW, Boggett (sponsor!, Ables, Borrett, Baaz, Calcote. SECOND ROW: Cou rtney , A. Crawford, K. Crawford, Cruse, Frozier. THIRD ROW: Hadley. Herd , Herrington, Mock, Nelson. FOURTH ROW: Paine, Robinson, Sorenson. Stafford, Stracke. FIFTH ROW: Tucker. Westerholm. J. Wood. R. Wood, Work. 150 supper for members The industrious Gata pledges prepared an appeasing "spagata " supper for their mistresses to celebrate the longed for end of pledge week. In the later fall the Gatas entered into the Thanksgiving festi viti es with a Nove m b e r weiner roast at colorful Camp Wyldewood. The memorable evening was brought to a close with a devotional around the dy ing embers of a campfire, wh er e th e Gatas and their dates had enjoyed group singing. As their annual project th e Gatas contributed to the band uniform fund . Norman Tubb, the Gata club beau, was an honored guest at their banquet in March with the theme "Wonder Land By Night. " A sprin g outing climaxed a busy Gata year. OFFICERS . FAll , Robinson, Pres.; Crawford , Vice· Pres.; Frazier. Sec.; Stafford. Treas. SPRING: Crawford, Pres.; Work, Vice· Pres.; Calcote. Sec.; Stafford, Treas.; Jeannette Baggett, Sponsor.