Wilt Martin, Club Beau PARTICIPATING in the traditional early morning initiation service, fWa Della Chi pledges kneel as they promise their loyalty to the high ideals of the dub. DELTA CHI OMEGA Missionary in New Zealand aided by Delta Chi's Mrs. Russell Simmons, sponsor for the first semester, held several meetings at her home, including a refreshment party after informal initiation and a club birthday party in November. Later the same month, a weiner roast was held at Wyldewood. At the end of the first semester, money was contributed to Gerald Starlin/(, missionary to Wellington , New Zeal and. Mrs . Kenneth Davis, club sponsor, held a getacquainted tea at her home early in the second semester for the Delta Chi's and their club beau . The guests enjoyed seeing some of the items brought from Europe after the tour of th e Belle, and Beaux. The gi rl s also discussed their March 23 banquet, which was at th e Rendezvous with the theme "Three Coins in a Fountain ." OffICIIS. FAll: Selby, Pres .; Baird, Vice- Pres.; Dougherty, Sec.; lou, Treas_ ; Mrytle Simmons, Sponsor. SPRING: Daugherty, Pres .; Sut· lon, Vice· Pres· Joslin, Sec.; Neal , Treas .; Betty Davis , Sponsor . DELTA CHI OMEGA. TOP ROW: Davis (sponsor!. A. Ba ird , D. Baird, Bollard, Brannon. SECOND ROW, Bucy, Chisom, Dougherty, Eisenhour , M. Green. THIRD ROW: S. Green, Grenwelge, Haltom, Joslin, Klemm. FOURTH ROW: limburg, MeNull , Neal. Root, Ross . FIFTH ROW: Selby, Stroder, Sulton, Wot· son, Wimberly. 149