BETA TAU GAMMA Valentine's Day brings a sweet surprise for beau BETA TAU GAMMA. TOP ROW: Reynolds (sponsor). BOley . Black, Clowson. Clement. SECOND ROW: Collier, Craig, Delany, Dickson, Gibson . THIRD ROW: Holloway , HOllorter, E. leroux, l. leroux, McVicker. FOURTH ROW: Mortin, Mozuron , Smith, Strowhacker, Studebaker. FIFTH ROW: Whitmore. CONCE~NED players and Beta Tau club beau lee Gootley gather around injured linda McWhorter as first aid is administered on the court by Marge Ryan. A formal initiation for new members at the home of their sponsor ushered in a new and active year for the Beta Tau Gamma's. Dogpatch, U.S.A., was the site of their third function, where the couples engaged in the traditional fake marriage ceremonies. A club supper was enjoyed on Valentine's Day when Lee Goatley, the Beta Tau Gamma club beau, was suprised with a Val entine cake. The club members chose to contribute to the band uniform fund for their annual project. A spring banqu et and outing completed the year of activities for the Beta Tau Gamma's. OFfiCERS. FAll: McVicker, Pres .; Craig, Vice-Pres.; Horvarter, Sec,- Treas. SPRING: McVicker, Pres .; leroux, Vice.Pres.; Craig, Sec.·Treos.; Judy Reynolds. Sponsor. Lee Goatley, Club Beau