Jack Wood Scars was born in Cordell, Oklahoma, August 12, 1918. His father, Dr. L. C. Sears, served as Dean of Harding College for more than thirty-five years. His maternal grandfather, Dr. J. N. Armstrong, was the first pres ident of the college and his maternal great grandfa ther, James A. Harding, was an outstanding preacher and teacher for whom the college was named. With the exception of one year in grade school, he attended Harding College from the first grade through college. He achieved an outstanding academic record, receiving in 1940 the Alpha Honor Society honor graduate award. Following his graduation from Harding, he received a graduate assistantship in zoology at the University of Texas. He completed the Ph.D. degree in 1944 with a major in genetics and cytology and was elected to membership in Sigma Xi, a national honor research society. Since 1944 he has been Professor of Biological Science and cha irman of the department at Harding. Dr. Sears is active in civic, educational and scientific activities. He is an elder in the down - town church, serves as educational director of this congregation and preaches frequently. He is a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the Arkansas Healing Arts Board and the Genetic Society of America and a member of the staff of the 20th Century Christian. DR. JACK Wood Sears helps two of his botony students, seniors Roy Griffin and Marcus Worker , study condit ions that w ill expedite plant growTh. 01. SEARS and his wife, nee MoHie Sue Speck, provide an ideol Christion home for their three children - James David, Pattie Sue Ion the right) and Martha Ann - who attend the Academy_