SERVICE CLUBS Leadership through serving • desire of groups IS BIG SISTERS . FrONT ROW, Smith, M. Bodey Boker, Pelerson, R. Boiley, Wlilioms, Frazier, Campbell McNeill, Gentry, Hodley, Pickens (sponsor.f. SEC· OND ROW Ferguson, Evans. Wright, Tooke, Bales, lee, Bearden, Heid. Dougherty, McCar ley. A Bi g Sister on the H ardin g campus has an obliga ti on to show ge nuine jntcrest in ncw stll - dent s, to be helpful and to ge t alon g with other s, to ma ke a good aca dem ic r eco rd and ~ in genc raL to be a good e xampl e on th e ca mpus. D u rin g th e summe r, th e g irl s selected for Bi g Sisters w ri te lelters to g irl s \\'h o pla n to en ter !larding in the falL try ing to a nswer the ir quest ions a bout coll ege life at lTa rdin g. In September th e Bi g Sisters a n' ive on campu s before the opening of the fa ll se lll C's te r to welcome th e n ew g irl s and to help them adjust to college life. Fina ncial ass ista nce from Mi ss Grace 'Veils ha s ena bled seve ral wome n a t H a rdin g to continu e th e ir edu ca ti on . In p; ra litudc for h er assista nce. th ey fo rmed th e Grace \\' ells Club. Mi ss \\' ell s. a n al umn a of Ga ll oway Coll ege. is now a r e tired le a c h e- I" in Ca l i fo rni a. Compilin g a scr a pbook cont a ining a pic tori al bi ogra phy of Mi ss ' ' ' 'ell s and an a utobiography of each m ember ha s been a proj ec t of thi s club. GRACE Wel l S CLUB. FRONT ROW- Scott, Tolle!!, Miller SECOND ROW Bobb. Humphreys lawyer [sponsor! WelCOMING new girl students IS only one of the responsibilities of the Big Sisters Sheila Frazier helps her [.Ide sist~r Terry 0 KelJey move into her new home.