Groups indicate students' longing for knowledge SCIENCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Brown, Kim, Miller, Selby, Mason, M. Lawson (sponsor). SECOND ROW, Dalton, Teufert, Stevens, Mills, Farror. THIRD ROW Colven. J. Lowson , Akers, Arnett. "Drugs of the Old Testament" was the topic discussed by Dr. W. A. Strickland, Jr. , professor of pharmacy at the University of Arkansas, at the Science Club banquet h eld in the ran at the Rendezvous. This group, sponsored by Professor Maurice Lawson, made field trips t o the Uni - versity of Arkansas Medical Center and the Wes tinghouse plant in Little Rock. Also among their activities was the sending of several members to a state-wide con ference on nucl ear energy held in Russellville at Arkansas Tech. Being the largest SNEA chapter in th e state, and having Cliff Bennett servin g as state college member -a t-Iarge were two of the important accomplishments of the Florence Cathcart Chapter of th e Student National Education Association . The enthusiasm of the members was shown in their participation in a chapel program depicting the three levels of educa tion . Other ac ti vities of the chapter included an annual banquet, a visit to the Children's Colony at Conway and participation in the SNEA state convention in Little Rock. SHEA. FRONT ROW: Scott, Maddox, Sutton, Baird, Penix, Siler, Reams, Hicks, Stracke , Meers, Wolker, McNeill, Haynes, Montgomery (sponsor). SECOND ROW- Fouss, Gen try, Simpson, Osburn, Magness, Turney, Boker, Peterson, Bentley, Carden, Shipman, Thayer, Gordon, Spaulding. THIRD ROW: Miller, Green, Bush, Baird, McNutt, Kerby, Dillard, Mills, Karnes, Phillips, Murry, B. Smith, Tollett, Estes, Yarbrough, Williams. FOURTH ROW: Climer, Childers, A. Smith, Root, Dyer. Selby, Snyder, Wood, Fields. B. Taylor, Cogdell, Von Rheenan, Emanuel, Shull, Pearce. FIFTH ROW: Nelson, Sanderson. Bai ley, l. Taylor, Mayberry. Conner, Farrar, Sewell, Heinselman, Simmons, Day. Cla rk, Kirk, Wyatt, Darnell. 143