PRE-MED CLUB. FRONT ROW: Saw, Blucker, Rector, Nelson, Poge, French (sponsor), Hobby. SECOND ROW: Murdock, Alexander, Hollowoy, Mozuron, Reynolds, Josli n, BenneTt. TH IRD ROW: Ridi ngs, Horn buckle, Davis, Huber, Gordner, Edge, Boker, Arnett. Pre-med was organ ized this year under the sponsorship of Mrs. Mabel French, College Nurse, for the purpose of intensifying interest, promoting study and performing services on campus in the realm of medical science. Throughout the year various films were shown and speakers were presented to the club to inform members of things of interest in the field of medicine. Visits were also made to the University of Arkansas School of Medicine in Little Rock . For those interested in journalism the Press Club offers opportunities to explore all fields of journalism and stimulate interest in good journalism. The group had various people to speak at their meetings concerning things of interest to the members. Russell Simmons, their sponsor , gave a demonstration of lettering. Other speakers included Neil Cope, Tom Loney and Perrin Jones of the Searcy Citizen. CAREFUL ottention is given to med ical respon - sibility by Pre-Med Club member and registered nurse Ch ris Holloway at the college infirmary . PRESS CLUB . FRONT ROW: Tooke, Horvath, Evans. SECOND ROW: Bach, Simmons (sponsor), Schmud lach. THIRD ROW : Scroggs, Sturm, Conner.