PEMM ClUB. FRONT ROW: Calcote, love, J. $im:osan, Siler, Stanley, Moyer, Daly, Climer. SECOND ROW, Olree (sponsor). Pale, Wadley, Miller, lentz, B' . tt Clark. THIRD ROW: Touchton, lambert, Wilson , Pratt, Mays , Slone, D. Simpson. Established to crea te and stimula te interes t in hra lth, physical edu cation and r ecr eation among Hard ing students, the PEMM Club is composed of physical educa tion majors and minor s. It also serves to increase the professiona1 knowledge of its members and to develop group solidarity. The club thi s year has worked on th e des ign of a uniform tha t will be r equired in physical education recrea tion classes. A noteworthy accompli shment of Pi Gamma Psi this year was tJ,e purchas ing of a plaque to honor Harding alumni who h ave passed their C. P. A. examina ti ons. Des igned to help create an acti ve interes t in th e accounting profess ion among Ha rding students, the club makes annual trips to observe th e accounting business in action in various cities. PI GAMMA PSI. FRONT ROW: Moseley, M. Waters, Hawkins, Branch, Pea rcy, L Waters. SECOND ROW: Stouffer, Ruble, Finley, lynds, Wolker, Fugi t. THIRD ROW: Burks, Reeves, Reaves, Hedrick (sponsor), Montgomery, Pa rke r, Peugh.