DEPARTMENTAL Common interests give stimulus to organizations BIJ ITSU CLUB. FRONT ROW; HerringTon, Bush, Mason (sponsor), Ha rdcas tle, Tipton, M artin, Had ley, Kerby. SECOND ROW, Robi nson Ispon sor ). Wild. man, WolkE'r, Hagar, Wa tson, Puc kett , Suthe rl a nd, Baucom. The Bijitsu Club exists to promote the apprec iation and enjoym ent of beauty, es pecially in the visu al arts. A program designed to carry out the idea of th e club's name, a Japan ese word meaning "a thin g- of beauty," was among th e many enjoyed by th e club during the year in its effort to study wha t h as been done by other s and to h el p each member express the beautiful in some crea ti ve work. Colhecon , deri ved from college home economics, presents to many Harding women an emphasis on betler li ving in a changing world. Composed primaril y of h ome economics majors and minor s, th e club ca ptures the inter es t of its members w i th va ri ed, informati ve and colorflll monthly progr ams. For its annual project, th0 club furn ish ed tuition to a woman student at Ibaraki Chri sti an College in Japan . COLHECON. FRONT ROW: Green , McElroy, Mortin, Magness, Selby, Mayner, N eal, Stanford, Denni ngton. SECOND ROW: Baugh, Gilstrap , Barber, Shoppley, Shackelford, Wood , Southard, Slone, Henry, Humphreys . TH IRD ROW: Thompson (sponsor). Ba ird, Boker, Gentry, Brodford , McNeill . Penn , Poyton , Binkley. 140