HISTORY GROUPS Current events provide topics for study groups CANDIDATE Jimmy Jone$ is formally initiated into the national honorary history society as Bill Smith and Sharon Scott describe the dub emblem. The School of America n Studies prepares students for leadership ca reers in business, education and publi c life and e m ph a s i z e s an understand ing of th e Ameri can way of life. Study trips to St. Loui s in the fall and to Cinncina ti in Ul e spring were highli ghts of Ule yea I-'S activities. The theme around which special group di scuss ions wer e centered was " the art of mana gement and l eadership ." Several outstanding visiting speakers addressed th e American Studi es group. The Orga ni za tion for Conser vative Academic and Politica l Acti on made its a ppea rance on the Harding campu s for the first time thi s year. Organi zed to encourage Ule acquiring of in - formation concernin g Ule political, economic and social situa tions in the U nited Sta tes and th e world, O.C.A.P.A. stressed individual study among its m embers. Phi Al pha Theta, a Na ti ona l H onorary History Society , attempts to g ive studen ts of history an opportunity for independent study and expression . The club subsc ribed thi s year to the offi cia l publi ca ti on , The His/orian, for the college library. The I-larding ch apter hosted the di stri ct meeting on April 20 . PHI ALPHA THETA . FRONT ROW, Bloke, Scott, Mitchell, Johnson (sponsor). lawyer (sponsor). SECOND ROW: Crispell, Smilh , Spaulding (sponsor). Jones, Ganus (sponsor). 138