DEDICATION 1963 Petit Jean dedicated to Dr. Jack W. Sears SERVING on the Physicol Plont Committee of the college enables Dr. Sears 10 apply his botan ical knowledge fa beautify the campus with flowers and shrubs. Many of u s gained a better understanding of the living world in our freshman year through his lectures on biological science. Others gained a clearer understanding of the Christian life and became more dedicated to Christ and His kingdom in our soph omore year through the inspira tion of his Bible teaching. All of us have profi ted from his ch apel talks that have dealt frankly with some of our problems and faults . A few have been closely associa ted with him throu gh advanced study of biology. To a man who h as given many years of dedi ca ted, effective service a t Harding College the senior class dedica tes the 1963 Petit Jean - to Dr. Jack Wood Sears.