PI KAPPA DELTA . FRONT ROW· Vaughn. Brown. R,cke!!, Blake. Ulrey (sponsor), SECOND ROW, Andersen, Arnold Herndon , Wdlse SPEECH GROUPS Debate and drama clubs develop self-expression PAINSTAKING hours o f Intensive research and prepara ti on brought rewards 10 Joe l Anderson ond Jimmy Arno ld in forensic tournamen ts throughout the season. 136 Dramatic ability among Harding students is recognizeel and stimulated by Campus Players. an org-anization desi~ned to stimulate interest in dramatic activities and an appreciation of the hest in elrama. Memhers of thi s group proelllced eight one-act plays during th e year and supplied most of the talent for the three-act plays presented by the Department of Speech. Major productions this year were Moliere's The 1I1isf'r. "Vilder 's The Matchmaker and Sophocles' Oedipus the "inf!. :\1embersh ip in Alpha Psi Omega. a national honorary drama fraternity. is reserved for those students who have demon strated outstandingability in dramatics. Requiren1cnts for membership include loyalty in back-s tage work and directing a ploy as well as demonstrated acting ability. This clllb stimulates an interest in dramatic acth'iti('s on the I-Tarding campus. Pi Kappa O('lta. a national honorary forensic fra ternity. undertakes to sti mulate interest and progr('ss in intercollegiate speech activities. The club chose the topic for the intramu"al speech tournament and presented a chapel program of winning- orations and speeches g-iven by members at "arioll s intercollegiate tournaments in tire south and mid -west.