MUSIC GROUPS Musical accomplishments result • much pride Chorale membership gives students an opportunity to sing with an organized group and to give their voices further training. "Twas the Night Before Christmas" was the theme of their annual Christmas chapel program. G. E. Baggett is the director of this chorus which is the largl'St campus musical organization. Plans to develop the Bison Band into an outstanding marching band will be expedited by thr new uniforms for which members of the band are working. Some of the objectives of the band are to create and sustain school spirit, to provide a musical outlet for those talented in playing an instrument and to represent the college. G. E. Baggett is also director of the band. Elrven Bison Band members were selected as members of the Arkansas Intercollegiate Bandand participated in the state band clinic at Conway. The Travelairs have been singing throughout the state for various high school activities, including senior and career days. This quartet toured Europe as part of the Belles and Beaux and has also provided background music for Dot Brck as she appeared regularly on the Little Rock television program, "Eye on Arkansas." TRAVELI NG hundreds of miles each week. the Trovelairs favorably publicize the college to prospective students at high schools and socia l functions. UNWAVERING a,oention is captured by congenial Chora le di rector George Baggett as he conducts his musicmokers th rough thei r paces. 135