MUSIC GROUPS Musical personalities are aid to year's success PLEASANT memories of teacher-student relationship at Westminister College ore shored by the renowned J. F. Williamson and e)(-studenl Kenneth Davis. A CAPPELLA QUARTET. Earl Davidson , Jere Yates, David Young , Bob Hall 132 Highlighting the activities of the year for members of the A Cappella Chorus was the privilege of working for a week under Dr. John Finley Williamson, founder and director for 38 years of the famous Westminster Choir. The Arkansas Intercollegiate Choral Association festival gave opportunity for study under a great contemporary composer , Dr. George Lynn, who has dedicated several ch oral compositions to Director Kenneth Davis, Jr., and the chorus. During th e fall lectureship, tile A Cappella Chorus presen ted the "Li fe of Christ," a selection of h ymns and readings, under the direction of Dr. Erle T . Moore. Otiler activities included a trip to Montgomery, Alabama, to sing for the Alabama Christian College Lectureship, a spring tour to tile mid-west, weekly r ecording of the "Hymns From Harding" program and participation in the spring opera, "Martha." The Belles and Beaux spent nine weeks in Europe under the sponsorship of the usa and the United States Defense Department, presenting programs to service men and civi lian audiences. The 20-member group returned home on Christmas day.