PETIT JEAN Staff works hard for another superior yearbook ENJOYING looking through another AII·American PETIT JEAN, Dr. Joe Pryor, advisor, is a calming influence and encouragemen t to the yearbook staff. An eager staff of forty students began work on the 1963 Petit Jean early in the fall. For the past three years th e Petit Jean has received AllAmerican recognition and the staff labored diligently to uphold the high standards achieved in previous years. Editor Anna Belle Climer, aided by assistan ted ito r Sandy Childers, organized the staff into a smoothly-functioning unit, made specific assignments and worked hard to meet production schedules. Business Manager Travis Stewart, aided by ass istant business manager Leighton Waters, planned the budget and directed the business staff in selling advertisements to businesses in the Sear cy area. After a frenzi ed effort to meet the final deadline, the last pages were sent to the publisher by the middle of March. Key staff members went to Oklahoma City to make a final ch eck on the copy. Many hours of hard work were richly rewarded with the dedication and presentation of books on Petit Jean Day. PERSONAL in itiot ive combined with a persuasive spirit is portrayed by Anna Belle Climer as she a ims toward a fourth All-American yearbook. REACHING on outstanding goal in advertisements, Business Manager Travis Stewart ably coord inated sell ing ods and balancing the bvdget.