Studying and learning together "Give me the gift of loving! I will claim No other blessing from the Lord of Birth, FOT he who loves needs no high-sounding name, NOT power nOT treasure to proclaim his worth; His soul has lit at Life's immortal flame A lamp that may illumine all the earth." - Elsa Barker "Study to show thyself approved unto God" is an inspired exhortation that ind ica tes that love for God embraces studying and learning together. Intellectual curiosity leads students to spend many hours in study and resea rch in a fearless investigation of important issues, problems and themes. Love for truth commits students to the truth which they have learned - to be guided by the principles which can be obtained by study. Love for the beautiful and the harmonious finds expression in many ways but especially in art, literature and music. Love is the great principle that undergirds intellectual activity and gives meaning to the academic process. TESTING fabrics in a clothing lob proves to be on interesting and enjoy . able leorning situation in 0 stimulating closs where incentive is encouraged . INVESTIGATING Ihe unknown, unfolds many mysteries and leads 10 Ihe confirmation of previous studies. 11