RAREL Y find ing time to relax, Bi son Editor Morilyn Horvath divides lime omong gathering, compiling and editing campus news to publish a first closs paper. BISON DEMONSTRATING on amiable personality needed 10 sell ods, Business Manager lorry Scroggs conlocts patrons of the Bison. Student volunteers donate talents to newspaper ASSISTING the BISON stoff on special problems, faculty advisor Neil Cope draws f rom his post experience in journalistic efforts to pro.... ide information. 126 Students volunteered their journalisti c talents to produce th e H a rdi ng Bison , weekly student newspa per, und er th e capa ble l eadership of Editor Marilyn H orva th a nd Business Manager Larry Scroggs. Compiling the s ix-page tabloid is a neverending ta sk beginning nca r the end of each week wh en ass ignments a r c pos ted on the Bi son offi ce door. Monday morning th e Bison office hums with ac ti vity as students exer cise Ul eir abilities to g-a th er and r eport the news. Foremost in Ulcir minds a rc the journa listic trade-marks of simpli ci ty. accu racy and ob jecti vity. Las t April in Hot Springs a t the Arkansas Coll cg-e Publica ti ons Assoc ia tion 's annual spring meet ing-., the Bison was accla imed the outstandin'!; news pa per among th e colleges in Arkansas for fh e 1961-62 sch ool yea r and was awarded the Gener al Excell ence Awa rd of th e Association. Anx ieti es , di sa ppointments and achi evements of fh e year merged into a worthwhile experience at fh e cl ose of th e yea r when deserving journali sts were recogni z(,d at th e annual Bi son banquet for their contributi ons to college journa - li sm .