STUDENT ASSOCIATION Leadership and achievement are ambitions of SA CAPABLY serving as head of the Student Associotion, President Harmon Brown sets the pace for many student- act ivities and campus life improvements. 124 STUDENT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS: Tubb, Gilliam (sponsor), Yates , Herndon. The Student Associati on , composed of four elected offi cers and two representatives from each cla ss, ac ts as a connectin g link between the stud ent body , faculty a nd admini stration. Thi s yea r , during th e opening week of school , the SA u sh er ed in a promi sing year on the Harding campus with a se ri es of parti es and other acti vil.i es which kindled enthusiasm and friendliness among stmlents, both old and new. Throu ghout the yea r th e SA sch eduled movies. ta lent sh ows, all -sc hool parti es and other functions. Emphas izing " P rogress Through Ser vice," SA members worked \\"ith th e Arka nsas legislature to promote inlcrcs l in obtaining voting machin es for Arkansas el ec ti ons. Plans were studi ed for improvement of tlw ca fe teri a mea l ti cket situati on. In December, th e annual pantry shelf project was promoted a nd th e traditional all-school Christmas pa rty was sponsored. A stud ent lectureship was condl\ctcd in chapel th e week preceding th e annual college lectureship .