WHO'S WHO Twenty-two students chosen for national honor HARMON BROWN Student Pi Koppa Delta Pres ident, Bela Associat ion Presi dent, Deba te Team, Phi Koppa , Sci en ce Club President. Twent y -two stunC' nl s. c ig lllcc ll seniors and four jllniors ~ \"'c re rhosC' n for in clu s ion ill Who's vVho thi s year. The na mes of th ese stud ents will appea r in th e j062 -63 edition of Who's Who Afnong Sluril?nl s in !l,nerican U"il 'ersili f!s and Collef'es. to he publi shed dllrin p; th e summer. They were chose n for thi s honor fmm a list of forty -six student s wh ir h was presented to the fa culty hy the Stud ent Assoc ia ti on . Selec ti on was ba sed on scholarship_ pa rtlc lpa t ionin ex tracurr icular ac ti v iti es . c iti zenship and serv ice to the coll ep;e and pm mi se of future usefuln ess. Ea ch student rece ives a cC' rtif icatc of recognition from th e or p;a n iza ti on. hene fit of its Student Placem ent Serv ice and th e pri vi lep;e of wearing the emblem sip;n ify inp; mem he rsh ip in the p;roup. Included amonp; th e stud en ts selec ted for thi s recagmtlOn arc outstanding debaters, s tar a thletes, lead in p; ac tors, key m cmbers of thc hand and ch oru s, cditor s of stud ent puhlications, Students Associati on offi cer s, l eaders in mission study groups and acadcmi c h onor students. DEE COLVErT Lambda Sigma President, A Cappello , Bond , Sc ience Club President . SANDRA HERNDON Campus Ployers, Student Association Secretory, Pi Kappa Delto . JIM PRATT Sub- T 16, SNEA, Sigma Delto Ps i, PEMM, Track, All -Star Basketba ll . 118