114 Rest All ArouNd Steve SmitH Devotion In dUly and maximum effort have cnabled Steve Slllith to be the idcal scholarathlete. Frcshman dass president. .. skipper of Sub-T dub.. elected to Who' s Who. camp counselor in tiIe' summer.. four-ycar letterman in hasketball and baseball. .. thrce-year lellerman in foot hall. .. excellent acadClnic record. doubk majnr in rhC'mistr.Yand mathclnatics. /laHie .Miller Cheerfulnrss and (onsidrratioll of others characterize Jani e Miller. a truly vC'rsalilc and and scholarly studcnt. Membcr of the a cappella chorus. jllnior class representative to the Stucient Council. Hegina Club.. honor student for 1961 -62 .. elected to Who's Who . .. active in inlramul"nl sports . .. camp counselor in the sumrn('r . .. a hiology maojr.