MARCIA GEISLER CLASS ATTENDANTS Judy Daniel (bottom left ). Sophomore representat ive, 001105, Tex . Janie Crawford (bottom right), Freshman representat ive , Memph is, Tenn . Carmon Alexander (top left ). Jun ior representat ive, Little Rock, Ark . Karen Spain (top center), Sophomore representat ive, Montgomery , Ala. Sharon aerry (top right), Senio r representative. l ittle Rock, Ark. 112 100tonll J{OIlfCCOllfiHfI ~Olltlltll Member s of the football team select three girls as cand ida tes for II omecoming Queen. These are vo ted upon by the students. This year "Mother Goose Rides Aga in " was the theme of th e par ade in wh ich the queen was fi rst revealed . In a ceremony immedi ately preceding the homecoming game, the cl ass representatives and finalists whi ch make up the court ar e presented ; then th e qu een is crowned and is presented a bouquet of chrysanthemums by the co-captains of th e foo tba ll team . The finalists thi s yea r wer e Ma rcia Geisler , a hi story major from Bridge por t, Conn ecti cut, and Dorothy Chri stma s, a bi ology ma jor from Brownsville, Tennessee. DOROTHY CHRISTMAS