Mall Queen alld Attelldtll1ts In the fall each women 's social club chooses the girl which it wants to represent it in the May Fete. These girls are presented to the students in a special assembly, and votes are cast for the three favorites. From tJ,e three finalists thus chosen thc Queen of May is elected. She is tJ,e one who rcigns over the May Fete and who is attended by the other two finalists and by a court composed of all the candidates, each escorted by representatives from the men's social clubs. May pole winders from the women's clubs perform for them. je//rell Rorex nominee ZETA PHI ZETA Jeffrey Rorex, a junior who transferred from the University of Illinois last year, is from Palatine, Illinois . Her major is home economics. Jeff's l'xtracurricular interests include the Bison Boosters and intramural sports . Her sweet disposition is praised by those who know her well. ,Collise rllCKer nominee GATA Louise Tucker, a junior elementary education major from Waynetown, Indiana, is a versatile person willi a special interest in music. She sings soprano in the A Cappella chorus and the women's ensemble and was an alternate in the Belles and Beaux. She is secretary-treasurer of the junior class. 11 1