.Marcia (Jeiskr nominee ALPHA PHI KAPPA Ma rcia Geisler, a junior history major from Blackrock, Conn ecticut, has a sparkling personality and winning smi le. She is active in the Bison Boos ters and th e American Studies program. Thi s fall sh e served as an attendant to the Homecoming Queen. Marcia maintains a high academic avera ge. Sheila .Mitchell nominee SUB-T 16 Sheila Mitch ell , a junior elementary education major from Cullman, Alabama, exempl ifies the beauty and charm of a true southern belle. She takes an ac tive interes t in dramatics and is serving h er second year as a cheerleader. Sheila is a Regina and pa rticipates in the women's intramural athleti c program . 108 Petit /let/It Queen IIltd Atteltdllltts Each men 's social club chooses a girl as its queen for the year. In the fa ll th e Petit Jean sponsors a pageant in which these girls arc presented as ca ndida tes for Petit Jean queen . The student body th en r ev iews tJ, e candidates and chooses three finalists. From these a queen is elected. When th e Petit Jean is presented near the end of th e yea r th e Petit Jean queen is r evealed to th e stud ents and is crown ed by the President of the Stud ent Association. She is attended by the two finali sts.