GRADUATION Dreams become reality for graduating • seniors QUALITIES for success in life is the general theme of the graduation address In May mode by Olympic trock champion Bobby Morrow . 104 College life, a combination of study and fun, is culminated after four years by graduation ceremonies. A diploma and a repertoire of pleasant memories arc part of the tang ible and intangible benefits of education. On May 26_ 1962, Dr. Jack P. Lewis of the Graduate School of Bible and Rel igion in Memphis added to the pleasant memories of school and graduation with a timely baccalaureate address centered around an Old Testament theme. Olympic track star Bobby Morrow also gave an inspiring address to graduating seniors at the 1962 spring commencement exercises on May 29. The thrill of accomplishing a goal- walking across a stage in cap and gown to receive a diploma - brings joy and tears. Tears seem to emphasize the joy, yet arc perhaps a realization of the unachieved goals and the uncertainty of life which is to come. Graduation activities end as graduates become alumni and attend a luncheon given in their honor by the Al umni Association. BEING awarded with a Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Jimmie lawson is congratulated by his fother M. l. lowson as top physics student.