J ~.., - n ~ : , ~ j ~ ~ ,., , t ~ \ , 1- .,. .U -"'- -' PETIT JEAN QUEEN NOMINEES. FRONT ROW, Carmon Alexander, Betty Ruble. Kathy Chester, Pat Bowman, Janie Miller. SECOND ROW: Sandra Till, Sondra Tanner. Harriet Herrington. Sheila Mitchell, Judy Humphreys, Dorothy Christmas, Becky Martin, Marcia Geisler, Janice Sanders , Sharon Berry. PETIT JEAN DAY Veil of mystery lifted, Petit Jean secrets revealed FASCINATED by the viewing audience ore attendants lydia Goins and Sylvia Cilty seated around the 1962 P.tit Jean Queen, Beverly Gotlin . Revelation of yearbook secrets - its style, its color, its personalities and the recipient of its declication - is traditionally an event for which there is keen anticipation. The annual staff finally realizes the fruition of long hours of hard work. Suspense, increased by periods of waiting, is diminished completely. The final product is in hand. An eclitor, a business manager, a photographer, a staff and an advisor finally receive due commendation. After the dedication program, a mad rush takes place for the distributing tables and students, armed with sack lunches prepared for the occasion, pens and Petit Jeans, scatter across the campus to thoroughly examine their copies to find familiar scenes and faces and to have friends write words in their books about memorable events of a wonderful year.