MAY QUEEN NOMINEES. FRONT ROW: Bobbie Willinghom, Alice Mills, linda lee, Evelyn Rickett, Pot Bowman, Heidi Heid, Alinda Parham, Jeff Rorex. SECOND ROW: Esther Kile, Myrna Mossey, Betty Reeves, linda Johnson, Sonja English, Dee McCarley, Paulo lambert, Sandy Green, Virginia Hovarter, Louise Tucker , Anne Smith. MAY DAY Campus beauties on parade in May Day pageant April showers end and May flowers appear as May Day dawns. Harding students traditionally honor May's yearly debut with the presentation of the May Court and the winding of a May pole. Three queen candidates eagerly await the moment when one will be crowned "queen for a day" - May Day. Her court, comprised of women's club representatives and escorts from the men's clubs surround her throne on the front campus to watch the brilliantly clad pole winders plait the multi-colored streamers in and out, back and forth , and around until the pole is finally covered with a colorful pattern . Spring music fills the air as hundreds of students and guests gather to witness the program. Now forgotten are all the early morning practices and all the headaches of planning. Plan and practice, converted into performance, have crea ted something lovely. TERMINATING the day·s activities, Queen Loleta Higginbotham surveys her lovely court os she is escorted by APK Roy Griffin.