FAMOUS PEOPLE Students benefit from efforts of famous visitors Harding graduates of 1962 were honored by the presence of Bobby Morrow, Olympic Champion, fo r their commencement address. Morrow, a graduate of Abilene Christian College, won three gold medals as a member of the 1956 US Olympic track team. Among the di stinguished guests from Arkan - sas on campus for the "Salute to Harding" day were Governor Orval E. Faubus, Senator John cClellan and Congressman Wilbur D. Mills. Musical interes t on campus was increased by the presence of Dr. John Finley Williamson for a week during the spring semester . He founded the Westminster Choir College and was director of its famed choir for 37 years. Dr. George Lynn, a contemporary composer , spent a day here with the Arkansas Intercollegiate Choral Association. He has dedicated several of his works, including a choral symphony, to the Harding Chorus. CONTlMPOIARY composer George l ynn conducted a musica l fes - ttvol on campus for the Arkansos Intercollegiate Chora l Association. CONGRESSMAN Wilbur D. M ills, Cha irman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was one of the featured guests on Hard ing Day. 99