Worshiping and serving together " 0 Love, that wilt not let m e go, I res t my wear y soul on Thee; 1 give Thee back the li fe l owe, That in Thine ocean depths i t s flow May richer , fu ller be." -- Cieorge 11atheson God is love and man r eaches the mountain peaks of human experience when he reflects God 's love for h im in worship to his Creator or in service to h is fellowman . In the daily chapel devotionals students and faculty join together in singing praises to God. In r egular Bible classes and in voluntary study groups, studen ts learn mor e of God and I-lis will for them. On Sunday afternoon many students bring joy and love to others by visiting the aged and the sick. The inspira tional periods of worship at the college church help stud ents reali ze something of the grandeur of God 's love for man . These grea t spi r itual experiences help students to r adiate God's love in their lives during the years that follow. REWARDING experi ence is gained by Harding women as they help keep the ch ildren in the nursey during worsh ip services. SINGING hymns of pra ise to God during the devot ional periods in chapel reflects to Him a portion of the love given to human ity by the Deity as personal cares and study are put aside.