1961-1962 Yearbook

FRESHMEN were rew orded for hour~ o f w ork spent on their repllco of comiC character Alfred E Newman when T wo~ announced "~' they hod been awa rded fir st place m The judg ing. CompeT i ti on IS open to all orqonlzo lions and classes who w ish to enTer a flo(1/ ,n The HomecomTnq pmode HOMECOMING Parade, crowning, victory highlight homecoming "Comics on Pa rade" wa s \\ ell portra yed hy s t.\. - teon entri es in the Hom ecoming parade. After w('cks of ha rd work and sea rchin g- for ori gina l ideas. th c clubs proudly presenterl th e ir effort s to the collcgc and the to\,-n on November ·1 in th e pro·gamc pa rade. The fr es hman class W a ll firsl place" ith th ei r replica of Alfred E. Newma n and Ihc inscription. ((" ' hat. us worry ?" Second pla ce was awarded to the Lambda Sigma 's and Zeta Hho 's for their cha rac ter ·· r og-o. ·· whil e the TAG 's raptured third place with the ir tlllile "Church y:' Dr. Benson led th e .process ion through th e strects of earcy on one of hi s sta llions. Quccn Ann Jon es wa s crO\\'ned preceedin g th e Bison's bout with th e Mounlain ccl's from Collegc of the Ozarks in Cl arksville. Arka n sas. Be ig-ning- "ith Ann \\ er e her maid s. y h ' ia Cilty and Gerry Stonc. Jo Byrd. freshman ; Darlene Davis. sophomore~ Thomi c Ann Snlith. junior: a nd Ca rolyn lI ali. senior; represe nted th e ir cla sses in th e lTo~ ccoming Court. Following a thrillin ll; v ictory over th e Ozarks. the Bison fan s ga th fl red in the gymn asium for a post·game party . wh ere th ey wer e served cooki es and Cok es. They th cn moved on to the blcech ers and were enteliaine rl by loca l tal ent, thus compl eting a full day of J lomecoming acti vities. HURRIEDLY, before the pa rade st orts, Oee M cCarley and Sarah Haw ks make some lo st minu te ad lustmen ts on thei r clubs' homecom lnq fl oat.