Devc1opin p; all phases of th e Chri sti an 's life is th e domin ant purpose of JIardi np; Co lkp;e . The whole atmosphere is condu cive to sp iritual g-rowth . Tn qui e t m oments al one in medita ti on or in p; roup devo ti ona ls a round the lily pool at the close of a busy day th e students a rc d rawn into a cl oser wa lk w ith the ir Ma k~ r. Throup;h many va ri ed reli g ious ac ti viti es-daily Bibl e classes, worship serv ices. spri np; and fa ll meet inp;s a t the coll ep;e conp;r ega tion , inspira ti onal personal evangeli sm meetin gs on Monday ni p;hts, g roup visita ti ons to the County Farm and the hos pitals to worshi p with th e im-a lids on Sund ay a fternoons, and ves pers in th e dormitori es cach ni ght -the student ar c st renp;th ened in the ir faitJl in God . The numerou s mi ss ion clubs a fford tJ, e opportunity for member, to l eal'll about the customs and lang-uagC' of th e country to whi ch th ey plan to ~o as mi ss ionaries. ·With a w~ll rounded r eli p; ious prog ram Harding Coll ege serves the spil' itll al needs of its stlldent s. SHADE of 0 hugh oak Iree on comous leIS a qUieT and medlTol ive mood for Odeon Porl.;er /0 refleCT alief The day s hoppen,ngs DEEP spiritual meaning is found In severol aspects of off·compus li fe Many, as Bryon Thomlev here. fmd Inspi raTion In worship Through frequent ponlc'potlon In congr«!9ollonol Singing 01 Ihe college church