TRANSFORMING Nonnie Sonders into the melodious Anno of The Kinq and I, " Terry McRae, Student D.reC1or of the pro· ductlon , add$ on extra dab of make· up. 62 Paulette Joslin Bill K.. th Jome, Keeth Jerry Keeth Sam Keichline Richard Kelley lenore Kerby David Kernodle Dann y Kingsley Florence Klemm Helen Lam North lillie Rock, Ark. .... Irving, Tex ShreveporT, La Irving. Tex. Conneaut. O. Wichita , Kon. Dallas, Tex. Wynne, Ark Spearman . Tex. Paula Green lambert Denver. Colo Hong Kong, Chino Idabel , Oklo. Jay lancello Robert lawhon Jimmy lawson Pal,ll Learned linda lee Fred Lemmon Amog ia Lentz Marg ie Lentz Dan LOl,ldermilk Chavalit Manj illl,ll Ted Maple Joe Marchant Kenneth Mason Jean Ma slen Portland , Ore. VIM' IO , Oklo Searcy. Ark. Harrisburg, III. Nashville, Tenn Conville, Mo. Paragould, Ark. Paragould, Ark. Hazen, Ark. Bangkok , Thailand .... Rogo, Kan. Fort Wonh, Ark. Morrilton, Ark. Bradford, Ark. Dee McCarley ... ............ Conrue, Tex . Jani ce McClurg Verona , Mo. Priscilla McCullol,lgh Solem, W Va. Glenda McElroy Fort Worth , T"