KENNETH elMER NICHOLSON, flint , MIch .; Biolo~V; Sub·T 16, 1,2,3,4, First Mate 4 ; S. A. Rep . 4; . Closs Vice·pres. 3; Bison Booster 2,3 ,4 : Intercollegiate Basketball 1, 2,3, Baseball 1, 2,3,4 ; Intramural Sports 1,2,3 ,4 ; Vars ity Club 1,2 ,3,4 . PAULA OBRECHT , Cloude, Tex .; Home Economics: Petit Jean Queen Nominee 4 : Gata 1,2 ,3,4, Vice-pres. 2,3, Pres . 4 : Colhecon 2,3 ,4 , Rep. 3, Vice·pres . 4; Bond 3; SNEA 3,4 ; Bison 2. JACK l. ORR, Owosso, Okla .; Biology; Transfer from Central Christian College: Northern lights Club 4; Intramural Sports 3. Basketball AIl·Stors 3, Baseball AII -Slars 3. JANET PACE, flint, Mich .; English ; Gata 1,2, Rep . 1; Zeta Rho 3.4 , Pres. 3, Inter-Club Counc il 3; Petit Jean Photographic Ed . 3,4 ; European Club 4 ; Or ien· tal Club 1, 2. JAMES BRYAN PALMER, Murfreesboro, Tenn .; Bible; Transfer from Freed -Har· demon College: Sigma Tau Sigma 4 ; Intramural Sports 4 . GLYNN PARKER, Von Buren, AriI: .; Bible: AEX 1, 2,3 ,4 : Pi Kappa Delta 3; Aus - tralian Club 2,3,4, Pres. 3, Vice· pres . 4 . JEANNINE PECK, Baldwinsville, N. Y., Elementary Education; Los Companeras 1.2,3,4 , Sec.-Treas . 2, HiS! . 3; SNEA 1,4 ; Dactylology 1,2: Pellt Jean 1; Big Sister 2; Northern lights Club 1.2,3,4 . HelMUT R. "fRITZ" PETRICH , New York , N. Y.; Music Education ; Transfer from Buffalo Stale College; Pioneer 3,4 ; A Cappello 3,4 : Belles and Beaux 4 ; Timothy Club 3,4 ; Intramural Sporu 3 ,4 . DANIEL PATRICK PHilLIPS, Memphi s, Tenn .; Music Educat ion ; Transfer from Freed ·Hardeman College ; Skyrockets 3; Mello· Chords 4 ; SNEA 4 : TAG 4 . LINDA CARR PHILLIPS, Memphi s, Tenn .; En~lish ; Transfer from Freed -Hardeman College; TAG 3 ,4 ; SNEA 3; Phi Alpha Theta 4 . ELAINE PIERCE, Lu saka , Northe rn Rhodesi a ; Home Economics; los Componeras 1,2 ,3,4, Treas . 3: Colhecon 3,4; SNEA 3: African Club 1.2.3,4 . LINDA PRITCHUT, East Proirie, Mo.; Elementary Educat ion . Seniors realize need for daily devotional period SENIORS CHAPel serv ices qai n new mea ning f or seniors a s they rea lize tha I th is is the la$t year they wi ll have the opportunity to meet toqether like thi s. 48